2011. december 6., kedd


I was traveling my way of lone pilgrimage.
She accompanied me along the path.
"May I join you?", she asked.
I looked her up and down. She had freckled face and a slightly oversized fat ass.
Both disgusted me.
I continued my march, she followed me taking my reaction as affirmative.

A long journey we traveled, a long one.
She was talking, I was quiet.
Alas, she awakened something inside me.
Something I had never experienced before.
She was talking to me, not for herself.
She was asking me and expected that I react.
Though I never said a word, she received my answers.

We arrived at a junction. The road branched to North and West.
I headed West. She halted, as if she would not want to be with me any more.
I stopped, turned back and stared at her.
She smiled and slowly approached me.
"Do you want me to go with ya?", she laughed.
I wanted that. That was my only desire.
But words escaped me as usual.
She read my thoughts. For a long time, she had been reading them.
We continued to travel together - the quiet and the talkative.

I like freckles. I love slightly oversized fat asses.

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